Illustrations for Parco Natura Viva

Marketing & Communication


Raising awareness among the public of Parco Natura Viva about the risk of extinction of species and the protection of biodiversity


Series of four original illustrations available at the shop of Parco Natura Viva


Parco Natura Viva


On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Parco Natura Viva in Bussolengo, HENRY & CO. created four illustrations dedicated to some inhabitants of the Park, unfortunately at risk of extinction in their natural habitats.

To celebrate the Park, it was decided to depict some of the species it is committed to safeguarding, including the Green-winged Macaw, Snow Leopard, Black Swan, and Saki. To highlight the beauty and uniqueness of these animals, we focused on the distinctive colors and patterns of their coats and feathers, without omitting typical elements of their ecosystems.

The illustrations have become part of the Parco Natura Viva shop, and to further support the project, HENRY & CO. has also renewed its commitment to this reality, which has always been engaged in the protection of endangered species, by adopting some specimens.

Illustrazioni Ara
Dettagli illustrazioni Ara

Foto Ghepardo Parco Natura Viva
Illustrazioni Leopardo Parco Natura Viva
Primo piano illustrazione Leopardo delle Nevi

Illustrazioni Cigno Nero Parco Natura Viva
Dettagli floreali illustrazioni Vigno Nero Parco Natura Viva

Illustrazione Saki parco natura Viva
Illustrazione saki parco natura viva