
Create a unique identity

Green branding, sustainable packaging, web and visual design for a unique, authentic, and sustainable identity.

Green branding, the importance of communicating the brand

Green branding activities allow for the construction and communication of an authentic, transparent, and sustainable brand identity. Defining a credible and precise brand personality, by working on all aspects of the brand’s communication ecosystem, enhances its potential.

Through green branding techniques, product and packaging development operate in sync, considering upfront the social and environmental impact of production and transportation. Integrated and coherent storytelling techniques, including visual and brand design, help communicate a brand identity aligned with company values.

Green marketing campaigns enable a clear and distinct positioning in the market. Brand outputs, including sustainability, are then conveyed to the public in a clear and consistent way.

identità marchio

Branding Services

Design a sustainable brand identity capable of attracting your stakeholders with a unique and consistent image that best represents and describes your values.

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Communicate sustainability through an eco-friendly website that takes into account the measurement of impacts generated by the web.

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Use eco-friendly materials, optimize your design, and measure the impact of your packaging. Design packaging according to the principles of eco-design and the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle).

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The benefits of green branding

Green branding highlights the value-based and emotional aspects of the brand. A strong brand identity allows for a clear positioning in both ethical and market terms, attracting a user base strongly interested in the brand’s values, which promote a new philosophy of life and consumption. Sustainable branding actions actively engage the consumer, consolidating brand awareness and advocacy.

Storytelling enhances the brand’s potential in the market, creating an inspirational narrative ecosystem for consumers and stakeholders. Because communicating a brand means not only being in the market: it means making a difference.

HENRY & CO. offers integrated green branding strategies thanks to Circular Design Thinking, a methodology that finds effective solutions involving all brand communication channels.

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To create a unique and sustainable identity, start here:

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    The Method

    Strategic Design and regenerative design combined and at the service of sustainable innovation.Discover Circular Design Thinking: the methodology behind the sustainable transformation of your company.
    Discover the method ⟶

    Circular Design Thinking: a methodology for sustainability


    The brand is the perception your customers have of you. Thus, brand identity is the series of steps required to guide and control this perception towards a planned and predetermined outcome through the use of images, language, etc. These images result in logos, taglines, color palettes, fonts, and more.

    A sustainable website is one that takes into account the impacts generated by the web. Designing a sustainable website means considering various elements including web performance optimization (download speed), content findability (user response speed), user experience (navigation and accessibility), and green web hosting (hosting using renewable energy).

    Sustainable packaging minimizes its environmental impact in terms of production, transportation, usage, and disposal (where applicable). With our extensive experience in sustainable packaging, we can incorporate sustainability practices into the packaging design itself.

    It is scientifically proven that 80% of the human brain is used for visual processing. By effectively using illustrations, images, and supporting videos, you will achieve better results in your activities and foster a positive growth in brand awareness. Using visuals alongside effective storytelling allows the seamless presentation of your sustainability data in a compelling, effective, and clear way to your stakeholders.

    The term advocacy refers to the actions whereby a subject, whether consumer or stakeholder, promotes and actively supports the causes advocated by the company. Advocacy is based on trust and shared ideals between the brand and the consumer.