Visual design

Adopt a visual, physical, and digital storytelling capable of best telling the story of your sustainable business.

Neuromarketing and visual storytelling

According to neuromarketing, of all the five senses we are equipped with, sight is undoubtedly the main one. 90% of the stimuli we encounter daily are visual in nature and reach the center of our brain even before being recognized¹.

Thus, sight is the first undisputed communication tool, capable of speaking to stakeholders and potential customers by stimulating the subconscious and their selective attention.

Adopting a visual form of storytelling therefore allows the values of corporate sustainability to be conveyed immediately and effectively, speaking directly to the hearts of customers to intrigue, persuade, and retain them.


visual identity

Operational steps

HENRY & CO.’s recipe for achieving sustainable results.

  • Brand values
  • Personas definition
  • Market research
  • Market analysis
  • Visual design concept
  • Visual design development
  • Launch and update

Contatti Henry & Co.

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