San Martino Srl affida ad Henry&co la direzione artistica per la realizzazione del primo Brand Italiano dedicato a snack biologici a base soia. Per Perle di Soia è stata realizzata l’intera immagine coordinata, lo studio e la realizzazione dei packaging, le fotografie di prodotto e ambientate, il sito web e-commerce e la comunicazione di supporto alla vendita (brochure, biglietti da visita, pop up fieristici, espositori).
ClientSan Martino SRLYear2015Websiteperledisoia.com
Minimalism, sustainability, design. These are the words that can represent the work of HENRY & CO. for San Martino Srl. Through a careful study of the client’s needs and values, the product’s packaging and communication ecosystem were created.
San Martino Srl entrusted HENRY & CO. to create the artistic direction for Perle di Soia, the first Italian brand dedicated to organic soy-based snacks. For this project managed from scratch, the entire coordinated visual identity was developed, along with the design and production of the packaging, product photography, and sales support communication.
The result is captivating, coordinated, and reflects Perle di Soia and its values. The design, which maintains consistency between the packaging, website, and communication, is elegant and minimal. The material research led to the preference for cardboard and plastic, easy to separate and dispose of, in line with the brand’s sustainability goals.