Rocking Horse (own production)

Innovative materials with the Rocking Horse

Project — Sustainable product design

Sector — Toys

What to solve

Design a new toy for children working with sustainable innovative materials.

How we solved

Development of a rocking horse made of hemp-based material.

Related UN Sustainable Goals

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Our research into sustainable materials

Rocking Horse bears witness to HENRY & CO’s mission to work with sustainable materials. The challenge was to use the prototype of an innovative material based on hemp, without formaldehyde and petroleum derivatives.

Research on sustainable materials is fundamental to HENRY & CO., being a pillar of the group’s vision of sustainable and fairer development for all. It is necessary to do in-depth work on materials, calculating the material’s life cycle and assessing production impact. That is why HENRY & CO., as an eco design agency, decided to pursue research into sustainable and innovative materials.

Sketching Rocking Horse
Producing Rocking Horse
Producing Rocking Horse

The advantages of hemp-based materials

Rocking Horse is made of a material derived from hemp. This plant allows the production of lightweight materials that are versatile both in green buildings and in the construction of objects. In addition, hemp-based materials can purify the air, allowing people to live in healthy environments.

HENRY & CO. decided to adapt it to the world of children, building a rocking horse with an eco design perspective, aesthetically enjoyable and sustainable. Rocking Horse is built by interlocking, without glue or screws, keeping its green value pure.

Rocking Horse side view
Rocking Horse front view