Web Magazine for the sustainable management of industrial wastewater

Marketing & Communication


Develop a communication plan with valuable content to raise awareness among B2B customers and attract potential clients through topics of water treatment and sustainability


Digital Magazine


WaterNext SpA



WaterNext is a company specializing in the engineering, construction, and efficient management of industrial, civil, and mobile plants, with particular attention to sustainable wastewater treatment/recovery solutions and zero liquid discharge systems.

WaterNext operates in Italy, India, and Mexico through its dedicated companies, with a global presence in 20 countries and more than 500 treatment plants executed.

WaterNext’s industrial water treatment technologies offer unparalleled environmental protection with minimal operating costs. For this reason, WaterNext entrusted HENRY & CO. to develop a communication plan aimed at its key stakeholders in order to raise awareness about sustainable wastewater treatment issues and educate on the best water treatment technologies.

HENRY & CO. developed the communication strategy through the application of the Circular Design Thinking method.

Thanks to Circular Design Thinking, goals, obstacles, KPIs, and reference targets were defined, making it possible to develop a targeted communication strategy that could directly engage the desired audience.

Water Treatment Magazine

The communication strategy led to the creation of a specialized online magazine dedicated to B2B, focused on exploring wastewater treatment technologies and the sustainability issues that stem from them.
To concentrate effectiveness in areas of interest to the company, the magazine was developed in two languages: English and Spanish.

The magazine articles are populated with custom infographics and written with SEO in mind, optimizing their ranking in Google search results. The infographics offer a simplified summary of the key concepts discussed in the article through a clear and clean graphic language.

In addition to the section dedicated to articles, the website hosts a section dedicated to the technical glossary of water treatment. The glossary section explores all the major acronyms and technical terminology used in water treatment.

Articoli in ottica SEO