Rocking Horse testimonia la missione di Henry&co di lavorare con materiali sostenibili. La sfida è stata utilizzare il prototipo di un innovativo materiale (ora in produzione) a base canapa, senza formaldeide e derivati del petrolio. Per accentuarne la potenza comunicativa è stato scelto di realizzare un giocattolo volto a sensibilizzare il mondo dei bambini e dei genitori. Rocking Horse è realizzato completamente ad incastri, senza l’utilizzo di colle o viti, mantenendo puro il suo valore green.
The research on sustainable materials is fundamental for HENRY & CO., being a pillar of the group’s vision, namely the idea of sustainable and more equitable development for all. It is necessary to perform detailed work on materials, calculating the life cycle of the material and evaluating the impact of production and disposal possibilities. This is why Henry, as an ecodesign agency, has decided to carry out research on sustainable and innovative materials independently.
Rocking Horse is built with a hemp-derived material. The idea comes from HENRY & CO.’s mission to work on creating packaging and low-environmental-impact objects. In this case, hemp took center stage. This plant allows the production of light materials, highly versatile both in green building and in the creation of objects for adults and children. Moreover, hemp-based materials have the capacity to purify the air, allowing living in a healthy environment with clean air.
HENRY & CO. has decided to take advantage of the benefits of this material by adapting it to the world of children, building a rocking horse in an ecodesign approach, offering a product that is aesthetically enjoyable as well as sustainable.