Ondo è un mattone modulare, nasce per comporre pareti per l’alloggiamento e la conservazione a temperatura ambiente di bottiglie di vino. E’ realizzato con un materiale innovativo di argilla e canapa, che aiutano a mantenere un microclima ideale per il vino. Essendo un materiale composto da elementi naturali si abbina ad essere rivestito e finito con la tecnica Migaki di rasatura e stuccatura a liscio.
ClientTerra Migaki CompetitionYear2016
Ondo is an ecodesign object conceived by HENRY & CO., in collaboration with the brand Asahi Super Dry, and created by craftsmen from Caserta’s Art Mutari for Terra Migaki, an event dedicated to the Japanese art of working with earth.
The Ondo bottle rack is decorated with earth and made of hemp, a material that has the ability to maintain a stable temperature, preventing the bottles from suffering thermal shock.
The design of Ondo aimed to find a synergistic point between design and natural materials, creating a bridge between Italian craftsmanship and Japanese tradition, where there is great interest in hemp.
The Ondo bottle rack won the first prize Terra Migaki at Fuori Salone.