An impactful cosmetic packaging is necessary for companies operating in the beauty and cosmetics sector. In this dense and competitive area, it is increasingly important to meet parameters such as aesthetics, durability, and sustainability to satisfy the consumer.

According to the Consumer Packaging Observatory 2022 by Nomisma, 59% of respondents said they pay more attention to sustainability compared to 2021 and see a solution in packaging when it is recyclable (62%), made with sustainable materials (59%), without overpackaging (46%), and plastic free (41%), in addition to having transparent communication.

Choosing recyclable or sustainable materials helps convey that the company cares about the environmental sensitivity of the purchaser.

Is it possible to create cosmetic packaging that is safe, convincing in communicating a brand message, and sustainable at the same time? HENRY & CO.’s response is yes, and now we’ll explain how and why.


1. The key elements of cosmetic packaging

The perfect cosmetic packaging has some fundamental characteristics that ensure its effectiveness. Specifically, they determine its suitability as a container for a cosmetic product and its validity as a brand communication tool. Let’s look at them in detail.

4 caratteristiche del packaging cosmetico
  • The packaging for cosmetic products must be safe. This aspect concerns the ability of packaging to protect and preserve its contents without compromising them. Therefore, the choice of suitable and certified shapes and materials is crucial depending on the characteristics and composition of the cosmetic product.
  • Another attribute of good packaging design is practicality. A package must be functional for the consumer using the product and for the company managing its logistics.
  • The packaging of a cosmetic must be able to communicate on multiple levels. The first concerns the mandatory indications to be included on containers or packaging according to Article 19 of the Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009. Packaging is also one of the main communication tools of a brand, and this is why it’s so important to pay attention to its appearance (check the next paragraphs to talk about packaging, practicality, and brand identity).
  • Finally, for us at HENRY & CO., packaging must be sustainable. Like other industries, the cosmetics sector must find solutions to the large amount of waste generated due to packaging. Sustainable choices in this area can make an important contribution.


How to create cosmetic packaging that takes into account all these elements? Schedule a call with our dedicated consultants


2. Cosmetic packaging: the safety requirements

Well-structured cosmetic packaging is based on safety guarantees. Let’s reference Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 on cosmetic products and Decision 2013/674/EU regarding guidelines.

2.1. Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 on cosmetic products

Articles 3 and 10 of Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 on cosmetic products specify that:

“Cosmetic products placed on the market are safe for human health,” and that to prove their compliance “(…) the responsible person ensures that cosmetic products, before being placed on the market, have undergone a safety assessment.”

But what is meant by safety? A cosmetic product is considered safe if it is overall harmless and has no adverse effects on human health, including in the evaluation the packaging that contains it.

This highlights the correlation between the choice of packaging material, the formulation of the cosmetic product, and contact with the external environment. The combination of these three elements could affect the safety of the finished product due to interactions between content and packaging material, the poor barrier properties of the packaging material, and substance exchanges potentially caused by contact.


3. The characteristics of sustainable cosmetic packaging

Today, the production of sustainable and valuable cosmetic packaging requires not only an accurate analysis of its function and product UX, but also a precise sustainability analysis. Safety and protection must also be evaluated, starting from their impacts on the environment, society, and economy.

Packaging and containers represent significant sources of waste, pollution, and refuse—a challenge that spans multiple sectors and markets. According to Unilever, 70% of the waste from the cosmetic industry is related to its packaging. It is therefore necessary to intervene by making conscious and sustainable choices, considering a factor to which consumers are increasingly paying attention, preferring businesses that provide concrete solutions.

The production of cosmetic packaging following eco-design principles

What exactly are the prerogatives of sustainable cosmetic packaging? As with any other eco-packaging, its creation follows the paradigms of eco-design and sustainable design. The goal of creating effective and functional packaging aligns with the desire to reduce its potential negative impacts at every phase of its life cycle.

The result of this approach is the production of low environmental impact packaging for cosmetic products, while remaining functional and easy to use. Thus, we achieve impactful, safe, practical, and sustainable packaging for companies, consumers, and the environment, which can be:

  • long-lasting due to their reusability;
  • decorated with eco-friendly inks;
  • made of eco-friendly, recyclable, and/or reusable materials, sourced from renewable sources;
  • produced and managed through clean energy and processes;
  • composed of fewer components and lighter, using less material.


How to find sustainable cosmetic packaging for my product? Request an analysis from HENRY & CO.


4. Solutions for communicative and easy-to-use cosmetic packaging

We’ve seen so far two of the four fundamental attributes of cosmetic packaging presented at the beginning, namely safety and sustainability. Let’s now cover the remaining elements: packaging as a promotional tool and the importance of its practicality.

4.1. Cosmetic packaging and brand identity

Packaging is part of the set of channels through which a company interacts with the public. It’s therefore important that they are consistent and contextualized within the company’s promotional strategies, both in appearance and content. In other words, it’s best to have continuity between the colors, fonts, logo, imagery, tone of voice, etc. of a brand and this important tool.

Packaging also plays a key role in shaping the target’s perception, resulting in positive outcomes in terms of brand image. Especially when one considers that packaging is often the first message through which companies come into contact with potential customers. Cosmetic packaging has the task of making the product and brand stand out from the competition. By clearly, effectively, and coherently conveying the identity, it captures consumers’ attention right through to purchase.

4.2. Cosmetic packaging and practicality

To be safe for the preservation of its contents and for sale, packaging intended for cosmetic products must also be practical.
The design is part of the well-being and aesthetics experience linked to using the product, but it’s also important for companies to optimize and improve logistics processes.

There are some cosmetic packaging solutions that for us at HENRY & CO. reflect all the described characteristics. They are packages able to guarantee safety, sustainability, brand identity communication, and practicality:

  • cosmetic boxes for multiple products and e-commerce in recycled and recyclable cardboard, functional to protect the primary packaging and its content during shipping and capable of adding a stylish touch;
  • glass containers, a material that is odorless and capable of preserving creams and other cosmetic products from high temperatures, which we evaluate for sustainability with LCA analysis;
  • paper and cardboard wrappers, suitable for solid products like soaps, deodorants, and shampoos to make them recognizable without excessive packaging components;
  • packaging made of eco-friendly and biodegradable materials, whose choice allows limiting the use of plastic while offering sustainability guarantees;
  • refillable containers, which are reusable and considered the best packaging strategy from a circularity perspective and for customer loyalty.

5. Personalized packaging for cosmetics

Packaging production requires a customization service based on the product’s specificities and the company’s needs. Customizing the packaging integrates an additional recognition tool in the company’s communication strategy.

Customizing cosmetic packaging also means adaptation to several factors:

  • The specific characteristics of the cosmetic product, to find the most suitable container for its preservation and the preservation of its qualities;
  • The life cycle analysis (LCA – Life Cycle Assessment) of the entire packaging to quantify its environmental impacts;
  • The needs of the company producing or marketing the product, in terms of communication, business objectives, and logistics.

Considering these aspects ensures the definition of a packaging production process built around the characteristics of products and the brand. These are assessments that we at HENRY & CO. regularly carry out to help our clients develop packaging that adequately responds to their needs.


How to customize cosmetic packaging? We’ll take care of it!


6. The added value of packaging for your company

Packaging that possesses the described characteristics is a source of great value for a company. In its design, weighing and evaluating every element is necessary because the stakes are high: consumer health, environmental protection and sustainability, company reputation, and credibility, etc.

Contact HENRY & CO. to define or review the design and production of packaging for cosmetic products. We can take care of everything: from design to the development of the graphic project, including LCA evaluations. This way, you’ll obtain the best packaging solution suited to the specific characteristics of your offer and your needs. Contact us to build sustainable and distinctive cosmetic packaging!